
This page shows how to reproduce tension-pCa curves with and without an SRX stabilizing effect of the myosin-binding protein-C (MyBP-C). These simulations data were posted as a pre-print on bioRxiv, and they were run using FiberSim version 1.1.2 (you can download it here).

Tension-pCa curves

Getting ready

Run the simulations

command prompt 1

Viewing the results

The tension-pCa curves for the control (blue) and the MyBP-C stabilized SRX (red) cases are saved in <FiberSim_dir>/manuscripts/2021a/sim_output/force_pCa_curves.png.

The underlying data are stored in <FiberSim_dir>/manuscripts/2021a/sim_output/analysis.xlsx.

The subfolders <FiberSim_dir>/manuscripts/2021a/sim_output/1 and <FiberSim_dir>/manuscripts/2021a/sim_output/2 contain the simulations results for each pCa value in each case (base and MyBP-C stabilized SRX).

sub folder

Here are the summary figures for pCa = 5.6 in the base (left) and MyBP-C stabilized SRX case (right).

Spatial visualization

It is possible to generate snapshots showing the spatial distributions of the actin and myosin populations. Two movies can be generated from the snapshots (one .mp4 movie for the control case, and another one for the MyBP-C stabilized SRX case).

Run the simulations

To generate the control movie:

command prompt 2

When it finishes (this may take ~2 min), you should a new folder created in <repo>/manuscripts/2021a/sim_output/1 called “movie”.

movie folder

This folder contains the following animated movie:

Snapshot Movie

To generate the MyBP-C stabilized SRX movie:

Snapshot Movie