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Research-grade images of muscle cross-sections can be very large (often more than 5000 x 5000 pixels). This can lead to problems with running out of computer memory.

Python_MyoVision tries to overcome this problem using block processing - in essence, analyzing bits of the image in sequence when possible.


  1. Open a command prompt
    • If you don’t know how
      • type cmd in the Search field of your Start Menu
      • or Google it to find instructions that work for you
  2. Change the directory to the Python_code folder of your repository
    • If you installed Python_MyoVision in c:\users\your_username_here\GitHub\Python_Myovision
      you can type
      cd c:\users\your_username_here\GitHub\Python_Myovision\Python_code
      and press enter
  3. In the command window, type
    python analyze_images “..\demos\example_B\configuration_data\configuration_data.xml”
    and press enter

  4. Within a few seconds, you should see status updates in the command window

  5. Once the program has finished, look in the results folder specified in the configuration file.
    • By default that should be
  6. You should see the following files:
    • final_results.xlsx
    • clean_overlay.png
    • annotated_overlay.png
  7. Here is the original image


  8. Here is the clean_overlay.png file


  9. Here is the annotated_overlay.png file


  10. You can see that the overlays are larger than the original - in other words, they were padded.

  11. What happened, was that MyoVision detected that the original image (1509 x 1408 pixels) was larger than 1000 x 1000 pixels (the threshold value is defined by the block_size in <image_to_label_parameters> in the configuration file). It therefore split the original image into blocks of 1000 x 1000, padding the right-hand side and the bottom-edge with black areas as necessary during the image processing.
    • You can see the individual blocks by opening up in the results folder and looking inside the blocks sub-folder
    • Here’s how the top-right block was processed
