How to install Python_MyoVision
MyoVision is computer software that automates the analysis of images showing cross-sections of muscle. The original software was developed in a computer language called MATLAB and was described in a paper written by Yuan Wen and his colleagues.
This version of MyoVision is written in a computer language called Python. It takes advantage of special modules, including Numpy, scikit-image, and scikit-learn which make it easier to perform scientific computing. In theory, the Python code should run more quickly and use less memory than the MATLAB version. It should also be easier to maintain and extend.
Before you can use Python_MyoVision yourself, you need to install Python and the special modules on your own computer. You also need to copy the source code for MyoVision. Since we’re still working on the code, and we want you to be able to take advantage of the latest updates, you do this by cloning our repository. The GitHub Desktop will help you do this.
These pages will guide you through the process.