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Working with Excel files

This material is presented as a series of short videos that cover

  • some simple tips for working with Excel files
  • getting started with MATLAB and live scripts
  • pseudorandom numbers, sorting, and logic
  • working with text
  • Loading Excel files into MATLAB as tables
  • filter tables in MATLAB
  • merging two tables in MATLAB
  • writing a table to a new Excel file

Accessing files

See GitHub for instructions on how to download the course material to your local computer.

The source files for this lecture are at <repo>/lectures/working_with_excel_files

Core materials

Tips for working with Excel files

Selecting and sorting data

Getting started with MATLAB

Shows one way of organizing your MATLAB screen and an introduction to live scripts

Pseudorandom numbers, sorting, and logical operations

Generating random numbers, how to sort data, and logical operations

Working with text

Simple examples using string comparisons strcmp() and regular expressions - regexp()

Loading Excel files as tables and pulling out specific information

A very brief introduction to structures, the concept of object-oriented programming, and thus tables. The video shows how to read a table into Excel and select specific information from it.

Merging two Excel files and writing the result to a new file

A short demonstration that loads two Excel files with a common key, merges them together, and writes the result to a new file.

Table of contents