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Statistics 1


  • Explain the difference between a standard deviation and a standard error of the mean
  • Define the t-statistic
  • Interpet values of t and p
  • Describe when to use a one-sample, a two-sample, and a paired t-test


Many people have been shown equations that define standard deviations and standard errors. Some have also been taught that t-tests are used to compare two groups.

These videos try to explain, through examples, what the different measures show and how t-tests “work” without delving too far into the underlying theory. After you have studied this material, you should have a better understanding of whether t-tests (and moreover, what type of t-test) are appropriate for your data.

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The source files for this lecture are at <repo>/lectures/statistics_1

Other useful material

Core materials

  • Lecture videos

Standard deviations, standard errors, and the t-statisic

A demo showing explaining, in broad, non-mathematical terms, the relationship between the standard deviation, the standard error, and t-statistic values.

One and two-sample t-tests

A demo showing how to run one and two-sample t-tests in MATLAB.

Paired t-test

A demo showing how to run a paired t-test.

Table of contents